Sears Firearms Collectors
Your Go-To Source For Blue Collar Firearms reading material.if you would like to continue to see this site grow. https://www.gofundme.com/f/ryan-brewer?utm_campaign=p_lico share-sheet-first-launch&utm_medium=social&utm_source=facebookthis&fbclid=IwAR1r4wnjNmmrXTtfchV5cMIc6OkjidkoHS2loXYNTRllnCibySoFSAgzMzUconsider donateing to my go fund me. i have brain cancer and insurance will not pay for the life saving treatment i need.
Welcome to Sears Firearms Collectors! This site is not endorsed or connected with SEARS inc in anyway. This is a site celebrating department store guns of a by-gone era. Westernfield, JC Higgins, Ted Williams, Revelation, Ranger, and Glenfield are to be celebrated on this site. I like having the opportunity to share my passion for department store firearms. Read on.
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